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Which it's the Patrick O'Brian list of the world!

Jack Aubrey's Career Prior to the Books

by Dick Ellis
 01771  Born
M&C 3091780  nominally at sea
M&C 30121783Capts. Svt. actually at sea
HMSS 367121783Capts. Svt. afloat since 12
TH 275121783Capts. Svt.Resolution 
SM 63 1783  30 yrs since JA felt seasick (1813)
TL 191  Capts. Svt. "under a nephew of Adm. Boscawen, when 1st in Navy"
WDS 17  Capts. Svt.Minerva"coming back from Cape at Xmas, very young"
MC 159  Capts. Svt.Ramilliesfirst hanging
M&C 147 1784  on shore at Guy Fawkes?
TH 308 1785  at Zambra nearly 30 years ago (1814)
FW 98  YoungsterAjaxfought Appolon
C 4  YoungsterBellerophon"W. Indies, with H. Dundas"
FW 19313? YoungsterAndromachepaid off--returned from W Indies
DI 267   Andromache"recognizes seaman shipmate, much later"
FW 203  YoungsterGoliathbefore Resolution
M&C 235  YoungsterResolutionmost junior mid
IM 277  YoungsterQueen 
M&C 235  YoungsterSuccess 
NC 221  YoungsterSylph 
M&C 87  YoungsterTheseus 
IM 48  ?Theseusshipmates with Edward Calamy
DI 17  YoungsterTonnantsaw Bounty mutineers hang
MC 210  Oldster brought prize to Plymoth from Finisterre before voice broke
SM 171-72  Oldster played Ophelia in W Indies before voice broke
PC 191  OldsterBritanniamidshipman in "Old Ironsides"
HMSS 147   Britannia"Old Ironsides"
MC 33  OldsterCirceat Dry Salvages
OSW 336  OldsterNamurescorting Archangel trade
M&C 144  OldsterResolutionCape
MC 56-57  OldsterResolutionCape
HMSS 42  OldsterSurprisemidshipman
IM 137  OldsterSurpriseW Indies
HMSS 251  ?Surprisecut topmast cap out of greenheart on Spanish Main
HMSS 293  Oldsterpacketmid homeward bound from Nova Scotia
OSW 133  Master's MateFormidable 
TH 48  Master's MateFortitudeafter Resolution
SM 251-5217 Master's MateResolutionstorming Camaret battery
HMSS 111  Master's MateSurprisemaster's mate
HMSS 106  Master's MateSurpriseon Leeward Islands Station
HMSS 251  ?Surprisecut topmast cap out of greenheart on Spanish Main
FW 19417-18 Master's MateRomuluspassage home with Broke
TH 48181789Master's Mate examined for lieutenant
OSW 86 1791Master's Mate Nootka Sound--"Spanish Disturbance"
OSW 87 1792Lieutenant winter--beginning of Spanish Armament
SM 35 1792  afloat since
WDS 63 1792Lieutenant Lieutenant's commission
WDS 62 1792LieutenantQueen5th lt--1st commissioned berth
M&C 145  LieutenantHannibal5th lt.
LM 138 1792  burning of St. Martin's at "beginning of war"
NC 178 1793LieutenantBellerophontook passage
M&C 375  LieutenantLeanderwhen taken [by Genereux]
DI 188  LieutenantTheseusclawing off Penmarks
M&C 11  LieutenantTheseuskept a watch
IM 48  ?Theseusshipmates with Edward Calamy
C 27  LieutenantArethusa 
  6/1/1794  Ushant--"Glorious First of June"
WDS 50 1796 Surprisetaken from French
IM 67-68 2/14/1797Lieutenant St Vincents
13GS 88 2/14/1797LieutenantColossusSt. Vincent's
PC 31 2/14/1797LieutenantOrion3rd lt. at St. Vincents
TH 193  LieutenantEurotas3rd lt at Zambra
DI 145 8/11/1797Oldster (?)ArdentCamperdown
LM 136 1797LieutenantBellerophonSurveyed St. Martin's with master of Bellerophon
M&C 116  Lieutenant Lts together with Clonfert
M&C 10  LieutenantAgamemnonin gunroom
MC 48 1798LieutenantAgamemnon"W Indies, before Resolution"
M&C 173 1798LieutenantAgamemnon?"in W. Indies, at time of Irish rebellion"
MC 57 1798LieutenantLeandershipmates with Eliot
M&C 40 8/1/1798LieutenantLeanderNile
PC 357 8/1/1798LieutenantLeanderNile
M&C 395 8/1/1798LieutenantLeanderNile
PC 75 1799Lieutenant Ushant
PC 209 1800LieutenantFoudroyant2nd lt when took Genereux
M&C 49 1800LieutenantGenereuxbrought to Mahon
M&C 10 4/1/1800CommanderSophiepromotion


Other References

MC 89 in La Reunion
PC 114Alertfrom W Indies
FW 264Euterpe"long ago"
13GS 88Isis 
PC 72Marlborough 
FW 44Resolutionplayed fiddle then
13GS 88Resolution